17 Best Plant That Thrives In Air-conditioned Rooms » Simplify Plants (2024)

Almost all houses will have air conditioners. But what if you are a plant lover? All indoor plants can’t tolerate an aircon room’s cold and dry conditions. But you can still grow some in such rooms.

The best plants for the air-conditioned rooms are Snake plant, Spider plant, Peace Lily, ZZ plant, Boston Fern, Pothos, Rubber plant, Dracaena, Aglaonema, Aloe Vera, and Parlor Palm. No matter how hard these are, extra care is needed while growing them in AC rooms.

Keep reading this article till the end to learn more about the best plants for air-conditioned rooms and the care tips while growing them in a chilly room.

Table Of Content

  • 1 Indoor plants in air-conditioned rooms
  • 2 1. Snake plant
  • 3 2. Spider plant
  • 4 3. Peace Lily
  • 5 4. ZZ plant
  • 6 5. Rubber plant
  • 7 6. Pothos
  • 8 7. Aloe Vera
  • 9 8. Dracaena
  • 10 9. Aglaonema or Chinese Evergreen
  • 11 10. Boston Fern
  • 12 11. Parlor Palm
  • 13 12. Bamboo Palm
  • 14 13. Monstera
  • 15 14. Tillandsia or Air plants
  • 16 15. Prickly Pears
  • 17 16. Victoria Lady Fern
  • 18 17. Cactus plant
  • 19 Tips for indoor gardening in Air-conditioned rooms
    • 19.1 Humidity for plants in air-conditioned rooms
    • 19.2 Plant location in the air-conditioned rooms
    • 19.3 Watering and light conditions for plants in the air-conditioned rooms
    • 19.4 Use terrarium jars for the plants in air-conditioned rooms
  • 20 Final thoughts
    • 20.1 Will plants die in AC rooms?
    • 20.2 Why are my plant leaves yellowing in AC rooms?

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Indoor plants in air-conditioned rooms

Due to the modern-day lifestyle, we couldn’t go out to enjoy nature.

Indoor gardening has helped us stay connected with nature.

The problem was the air conditioners.

In summer, it is impossible to stay without them.

So, how will the plants react to it?

All indoor plants can’t tolerate the cold air from the AC unit.

While growing indoor plants at home, we must provide them with the proper requirements and mimic the exact conditions of their native land.

Most indoor plants prefer warm temperatures with high humidity levels.

Air-conditioned rooms are just the opposite.

The temperature remains cold, and the air quality is dry.

It is detrimental for most houseplants.

I learned this the hard way by losing many of my precious plants growing in the air-conditioned rooms.

After several researches, I learned that some plants can survive in the AC rooms, provided they are given a bit of extra care.

Below, I have shortlisted 17 such plants that can be kept in an AC room. Let’s have a quick look.

1. Snake plant

17 Best Plant That Thrives In Air-conditioned Rooms » Simplify Plants (1)

With its sword-shaped leaves and unique structure, the Snake plant can become a statement-maker in any corner of your house.

The plant can stay well without water for a while.

So, you won’t see any wilting when your AC is turned on for a while.

Snake plants prefer warm temperatures but can tolerate little cold air from the AC, provided they are not too close to the unit.

A common variety found in offices with AC rooms is Mother-in-law’s tongue.

In contrast, houses with compact spaces will have shorter varieties, like Twisted Sister or Futura Superba.

Sunlight:Keep the Snake plants in areas receiving bright indirect sunlight for 6-8 hours.

Soil:Plant the Snake plants in well-drained fertile soil with 5.5 to 7.0 pH levels.

Watering:Instead of following any routine, check the moisture level with your finger and water the plant whenever the top 2-3 inches feel dry.

Fertilizer:Feed the Snake plant monthly during the growing season only.

2. Spider plant

17 Best Plant That Thrives In Air-conditioned Rooms » Simplify Plants (2)

Spider plants are low-maintenance and forgiving plants that can easily survive in air-conditioned rooms.

With a width of 2.5 feet, a length of 3 feet, and curving green and white striped leaves, Spider plants can add aesthetic value to any corner of your room.

You can even keep them in the hanging baskets, but they should not come in the way of the AC unit.

Sunlight:Provide the Spider plants with bright, moderate sunlight throughout the day.

Watering:Water the Spider plants 1-2 times per week during summer and reduce in winter. The top 1-2 inches should be dry.

Soil:Plant the Spider plants in a well-drained, nutrient-rich soil that retains moisture.

Fertilizer:Feed the Spider plant 1-2 times monthly during spring and summer with an all-purpose houseplant fertilizer. Stop during the winter.

3. Peace Lily

17 Best Plant That Thrives In Air-conditioned Rooms » Simplify Plants (3)

Peace Lilies love humidity.

How can a humidity lover survive the dry conditions of the AC room?

That’s how the Peace Lilies are.

What makes them more attractive are their white flowers and large ornamental leaves, which can brighten up any corner of your room.

If temperatures have crossed 90°F, turning on the AC will not distress your Peace Lilies.

Light:Peace Lilies do best under bright indirect sunlight.

Water:Water the Peace Lilies once a week, whenever the top few inches have dried, during their growing seasons.

Soil:Soil with excellent drainage and aeration capacity is ideal for the Peace Lilies.

Fertilizer:Fertilize the Peace Lilies every 4-6 weeks with a liquid fertilizer and once every 3 months with a slow release throughout the spring and summer. Avoid feeding in winter.

4. ZZ plant

17 Best Plant That Thrives In Air-conditioned Rooms » Simplify Plants (4)

Next on the list is the famous ZZ plant and favorites among beginners.

It is hard to kill and has excellent drought tolerance.

The temperature for the ZZ plants ranges between 65 and 90°F.

Keeping the ZZ plants in aircon rooms can help them, as they like cooler temperatures.

Light:ZZ plants love 12 hours of bright, indirect sunlight throughout the day.

Watering:Water the ZZ plant whenever almost the entire potting mix has dried. 1-2 times per month in spring and summer and once during winter would suffice.

Soil:ZZ plants enjoy growing in porous, nutrient-rich soil mix with 6-7 pH levels.

Fertilizer:Use a balanced fertilizer to feed the ZZ plant every 6-8 weeks.

5. Rubber plant

17 Best Plant That Thrives In Air-conditioned Rooms » Simplify Plants (5)

The next plant to place in the AC rooms is Rubber plants.

Rubber plants are a great choice if you are looking for extensive greenery.

Their large, shiny foliage screams attention.

The plant can tolerate dry conditions and doesn’t need to be watered often.

Just make sure not to place the plant too close to the AC.

Sunlight:Locate the plant in a place that provides bright, indirect sunlight throughout the day.

Watering:Water once a week during the growing season and reduce in winter. Make sure the top 2-3 inches have dried.

Soil:Use well-drained, fertile soil with 5.5 to 7. pH levels for the Rubber plants.

Fertilizer:Fertilize with a liquid fertilizer every 2-3 weeks and slow-release every 4-6 weeks during the growing season. Reduce it during the winter.

6. Pothos

17 Best Plant That Thrives In Air-conditioned Rooms » Simplify Plants (6)

Pothos can add charm with their dangling vines if your room has green, white, or black colors.

Even though Pothos can survive in air-conditioned rooms, please do not keep them in the path of the AC.

Sunlight:Keep the Pothos in a location that receives bright, indirect sunlight throughout the day.

Water:Water the plant once weekly when the top few inches have dried. Don’t follow any strict routine.

Soil:Plant the Pothos in well-drained, fertile soil.

Fertilizer:Since Pothos is a light feeder, fertilize them every 2-3 months throughout their growing season. Stop it in the winter.

7. Aloe Vera

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Aloe vera is a very common succulent found in most houses.

The plant’s thick leaves can store moisture for a very long time, and therefore, the plant is a great drought-tolerant plant.

You can keep them in an air-conditioned room due to their tolerance to dry weather.

Please don’t keep them too close to the AC.

That would freeze the moisture stored in their leaves, giving rise to other issues.

Sunlight:Aloe Vera loves 4-6 hours of bright sunlight. But don’t expose them to the direct sunlight of the mid-day and afternoon.

Watering:Aloe Veras can store water in their leaves, so you don’t have to water them frequently.

Provide once every 2-3 weeks once the soil has almost dried.

Soil:Use soil with sound drainage to keep the Aloes healthy.

Fertilizer:The succulent doesn’t require much fertilizer. Feed it once a year to boost its growth.

8. Dracaena

17 Best Plant That Thrives In Air-conditioned Rooms » Simplify Plants (8)

Do you love houseplants with thick foliage?

Then Dracaena has to be on your list.

The common indoor varieties are Dracaena Reflexa, Dracaena Marginata, Dracaena Fragrans, and Dracaena Massangeana.

Dracaenas can stay in an AC room but do not expose them to excessive cold air from the unit.

Sunlight:Indoor Dracaenas perform best under bright sunlight, filtered or indirect.

Watering:Water Dracaena every 3-8 days, based on the weather and temperature. Let the top few inches dry out before watering.

Soil:Dracaenas need well-drained, loose soil with high nutrient content. The pH levels should be around 6-6.5.

Fertilizer:Dracaenas are light feeders. Fertilize them monthly with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the spring and summer. Avoid it in winter.

9. Aglaonema or Chinese Evergreen

17 Best Plant That Thrives In Air-conditioned Rooms » Simplify Plants (9)

Due to their variegated leaves, Aglaonemas or Chinese Evergreen can add colors to the dull corners of your house.

The plant loves humidity but can handle the low temperatures of the AC rooms like the Peace Lilies.

Aglaonemas can also thrive in low-light conditions, making them ideal for corners with minimal sunlight.

Sunlight:Aglaonemas prefer bright, indirect sunlight.

Watering:Since the plant loves moist soil, water it twice weekly after ensuring that 50% of the topsoil has dried.

Soil:Aglaonemas enjoy peat-based, fertile soil with 5.5 to 6.5 pH levels. The soil should also be well-drained and lightweight.

Fertilizer:Fertilize Aglaonemas monthly with a balanced liquid fertilizer in spring and summer. Avoid it during winter.

10. Boston Fern

17 Best Plant That Thrives In Air-conditioned Rooms » Simplify Plants (10)

Boston Fern prefers cooler temperatures ranging between 60-70°F.

So, it can stay fine in an air-conditioned room all day without freezing.

Even if the temperatures are 50°F, the Ferns will not shed its leaves and continue being appealing.

But make sure they are not exposed to temperatures below this.

The purpose of keeping Boston fern is to clear air pollutants like benzene and formaldehyde and purify the air.

Light:Boston Ferns enjoy bright, indirect sunlight throughout the day.

Water:Water the Boston ferns once every 2-3 days, ensuring the top few inches have dried.

Soil:Boston ferns enjoy well-drained soil with a pH of 5 to 5.5. A peaty, soi-based potting mix that stays consistently moist would suffice.

Fertilizer:Indoor Boston ferns must be fertilized monthly with a 20-10-20 liquid fertilizer at half the recommended strength. Avoid during fall and winter months.

11. Parlor Palm

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The next best plant for an air-con room is Parlor Palm.

These houseplants are incredibly low-maintenance and can tolerate dry conditions to some extent.

It makes them an ideal choice for AC rooms.

Just make sure not to put them too close to the unit.

The reason to grow this plant as a houseplant is its capacity to improve the air quality by removing the toxins from the air we breathe.

Sunlight:Parlor Palm prefers indirect sunlight but can withstand low light to some extent. Avoid direct sunlight.

Watering:Water the Parlor Palm once a week after the top 1-2 inches of the soil has dried. Reduce watering in the winter.

Soil:Parlor Palm prefers a high-quality, peat-based potting mix that is light and well-draining. The soil pH should stay between 5.5 and 7.0.

Fertilizer:Monthly application of balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season is enough; reduce it in winter.

12. Bamboo Palm

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Growing Bamboo Palm indoors gives your house a tropical touch.

I never thought this plant could be kept in an AC room until I saw one of my friends.

The plant can tolerate temperatures up to 50°F, making it suitable for air-conditioned rooms, as long as it’s not right next to the AC unit.

Additionally, Bamboo palms need to be watered when half of the soil is dry. So, they will be fine in AC rooms.

Sunlight:Bamboo palm prefers bright, indirect sunlight. They can also adapt to medium or low lights.

Watering:Water the plant when around 50% of the soil has dried. Don’t follow any strict routine.

Soil:Bamboo Palm prefers soil that remains consistently moist but not waterlogged.

Fertilizer:Feed the Bamboo Palm once a month with a balanced liquid fertilizer. Avoid feeding in the fall and winter.

13. Monstera

17 Best Plant That Thrives In Air-conditioned Rooms » Simplify Plants (13)

Also called Swiss Cheese, Monstera plants have large leaves with unique holes, which add color and uniqueness to your room.

Monsteras are adaptable.

They can tolerate little drought conditions and temperatures up to 50°F.

These features make them ideal for an air-conditioned room.

Sunlight:Let the Monstera plants have bright, indirect sunlight throughout the day.

Watering:Water the plant once a week during the growing months while letting the soil dry between waterings. Reduce in the fall and winter.

Soil:Monstera potting mix should be rich and well-drained. The pH levels should be between 5.5 and 7.

Fertilizer:Use a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during their growing season. Avoid it during the fall and winter.

14. Tillandsia or Air plants

17 Best Plant That Thrives In Air-conditioned Rooms » Simplify Plants (14)

Air plants are unique because they do not require soil to grow.

They absorb nutrients from the surrounding air and water.

The plants can survive various growing conditions, making them ideal for AC rooms.

Keep them in small, hanging terrarium jars.

Even with the AC’s cold air, your plant won’t be harmed, provided they are not close to the unit.

Sunlight:Let the Air plants have bright indirect sunlight throughout the day.

Watering:Submerge the plants in water and soak them for 30-60 minutes. Take them out and let them dry with good air circulation.

Fertilizer:Though Air plants don’t need to be fed, fertilizer can boost growth. Use diluted water-soluble fertilizer once a month during the growing season.

15. Prickly Pears

17 Best Plant That Thrives In Air-conditioned Rooms » Simplify Plants (15)

Prickly Pears are hardy and easy to grow.

They can survive a wide range of conditions while producing beautiful blooms. So, you can keep it in AC rooms.

Another feature that makes them ideal for AC rooms is their tolerance for drought conditions.

Sunlight:Prickly Pears love 6-8 hours of direct sunlight. Keep them near the south or west-facing windows. However, partial sunlight would suffice during the hot summers.

Watering:Water the plant once every 2 months during its growing season and once in winter.

Soil:Prickly Pears grow best in sandy or gravelly soil but can tolerate other soil types as long as they provide excellent drainage.

Fertilizer:Feed the Prickly Pears monthly during their growing season with a balanced houseplant fertilizer. Avoid during the fall and winter seasons.

16. Victoria Lady Fern

17 Best Plant That Thrives In Air-conditioned Rooms » Simplify Plants (16)

These ferns’ hardy nature is what makes them ideal for air-conditioned rooms.

Victoria lady ferns prefer high humidity.

They can also tolerate a bit of low humidity, making them ideal for AC rooms.

If you can adjust the humidity levels, your plant will stay fine.

Besides, these Ferns like cooler temperatures and can adapt to any house temperature.

Sunlight:Ferns prefer bright, dappled sunlight.

Watering:Water the ferns every few days, letting the top few inches dry before watering. Don’t follow any strict regime.

Soil:Victoria Lady ferns enjoy growing in soil that retains moisture and drains excess to avoid overwatering and root rot.

Fertilizer:Feed your Lady ferns with ¼th of diluted liquid fertilizer 1-2 times per month during their growing season. Stop it during the colder months.

17. Cactus plant

17 Best Plant That Thrives In Air-conditioned Rooms » Simplify Plants (17)

Cactus plants are excellent drought-tolerant plants.

They can even stay without water for a month while remaining healthy.

So, the plant would be great for your air-conditioned rooms.

One plus point of this plant is that it can even produce beautiful blooms.

You must ensure the plant isn’t too close to the air conditioning unit.

Sunlight:Indoor cactus plants enjoy bright light for 12 hours. A south-facing window will be fine.

Water:Let the entire soil dry before watering the cactus plant. They can survive drought conditions but detest overwatering.

Soil:The best cactus potting mix would be the one that holds enough moisture while draining the excess.

Fertilizer:Cactus plants can survive without fertilization. However, applying diluted liquid fertilizer 1-2 times in one growing season can boost their growth.

Tips for indoor gardening in Air-conditioned rooms

An air-conditioned room means cold drafts and dry temperatures, which isn’t great for most houseplants.

So, you must provide extra care and maintenance, even if they are hardy and low-maintenance.

You know which plants are ideal for AC rooms.

Let me share some tips to keep the plants healthy in an air-con room.

Humidity for plants in air-conditioned rooms

When you place indoor plants in an air-conditioned room,humiditybecomes one of the most significant concerns.

Many indoor plants enjoy humidity levels above 50%.

But the humidity levels might not be this high in an AC room.

Excessive low humidity levels can dry the soil.

To adjust the issue, keep a hygrometer in your room to measure the humidity.

Adjust the humidity by installing a humidifier, using pebble trays, keeping the plants close to aquariums, and grouping.

Plant location in the air-conditioned rooms

The next important thing to consider is thelocation.

Don’t place your indoor plants too close to the air conditioner, as excessive cold drafts can harm them.

Cold temperatures can affect the plant’s growth, and the cold air from the AC unit can even trigger dormancy.

You can keep the houseplants in AC rooms if you maintain at least 6-8 feet distance between your plant and the unit.

Watering and light conditions for plants in the air-conditioned rooms

Most indoor plants lovebright, indirect sunlight; some can endure low-light conditions.

While growing in an air-conditioned room, provide adequate sunlight, even if it’s indirect.

It can keep your plant warm and healthy in the AC rooms.

Watering depends on the plant’s needs and potting soil conditions.

Do not follow any strict watering schedule for plants in the aircon rooms.

You can water your plant if 40-50% of the soil has dried.

Addmulcharound the plants.

It can trap moisture and warmth inside the soil.

Your plants will not suffer from cold, and you don’t have to water them frequently.

Use terrarium jars for the plants in air-conditioned rooms

Small, compact plants like Air plants can be kept interrarium jars.

It will prevent the cold drafts from the AC from reaching the plants.

Additionally, your indoor plants can receive good humidity inside.

Moreover, you don’t have to water the plants.

They will transpire to lose the excess moisture from the leaves.

The water vapor will rise to create natural humidity and condense on the jar walls.

The water evaporates, forms clouds, and falls back into the soil. That’s how the plants water themselves.

17 Best Plant That Thrives In Air-conditioned Rooms » Simplify Plants (18)

Final thoughts

As you can see, there are around 17 indoor plants to keep in your air-conditioned room. While these are low-maintenance, drought-tolerant, and hard-to-kill plants, you should take extra care in AC rooms.

Maintain warmth by letting the plants have adequate sunlight. Adjust the humidity levels by misting, installing humidifiers, keeping them on pebble trays, and grouping.

Use terrarium jars for their best performance. It will not only keep your plant healthy but will also add an attractive look to your room.

Will plants die in AC rooms?

Your houseplants won’t die in AC rooms. With proper care, they will survive. But make sure to keep them away from the AC units.

Why are my plant leaves yellowing in AC rooms?

Low humidity, dry air, cold drafts, and dehydration might be the causes. Adjust the humidity and temperature and practice proper watering techniques for plants in aircon rooms.

Reference:Indoor plant Wikipedia

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17 Best Plant That Thrives In Air-conditioned Rooms » Simplify Plants (2024)


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The cold air that blasts from air vents may keep you and your family comfortable but it harms your plants. Why? Well, cold temperatures can freeze the cells in a plant, which blocks the natural pathways for water and nutrients. Basically, cold temperatures cause plants to starve.

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ZZ plant is drought resistant and can survive different environmental conditions, even AC rooms. They are very sturdy and difficult to kill.

Can plants be near an air conditioner? ›

It's critical to move your plant away from air conditioning vents, as the direct blast of cold air dehydrates your plants and can even damage plant cells. In fact, the same can be said for plants that are placed near windows or doors that are frequently opened during the colder months of the year.

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A fantastic plant for allergy or asthma sufferers, English Ivy removes 78% of airborne mold. As mold affects your breathing and breathing affects your sleep, it makes sense to keep some in your bedroom.

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Go Evergreen: Landscaping that loses leaves in the fall requires a lot of maintenance to keep the HVAC unit clear of leaves, petals and pods. Pick evergreen shrubs and trees like boxwood or spruce that don't shed a lot of leaves or needles. Avoid plants like cedar or magnolias that drop a lot of debris.

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There are some AC plants that perform well in air-conditioned rooms such as snake plants, tillandsia, pothos and peace lilies. Here are some tips for turning your air-conditioned space into a comfortable haven for your houseplants.

Can monstera survive in an air-conditioned room? ›

Though the plant can survive in a wide range of temperatures, consistent exposure to cool, dry air can potentially kill it. So keep your Monstera away from any air conditioning system you're running in your home.

Can succulents survive in an AC room? ›

Ideal plants for air-conditioned environments include cacti and succulents. These plants have the ability to store water in their leaves and stems, allowing them to survive in dry conditions. Other options include the spider plant, dracaena, and snake plant, all known for their resistance to dry air.

Can a rubber plant survive in an AC room? ›

As with temperature, the rubber plant does not have any strict humidity needs—just avoid keeping your plant in the direct path of an air conditioner and it will be fine. Though not ideal, a low humidity environment isn't a deal-breaker; in this case, you may just need to water your rubber plant slightly more often.

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*If you are placing the money plant in an air-conditioned room, mist the plants frequently as it may become too dry due to cool air. *Avoid using water with high chlorine or fluoride content and instead use normal tap water. *You should trim the plant regularly to keep it healthy-looking and easy to maintain.

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How to Care for a ZZ Plant in Your Windowless Office. The ZZ plant will thrive in lower-light areas. You'll want to be sure your plant isn't getting any direct sunlight — that can actually damage it. Frequent watering isn't necessary, either; every 2-3 weeks is the ideal timeframe.

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Hydrangeas are our preferred choice for hiding air conditioners. There are a few reasons why we like hydrangeas so much. First, they grow quickly, so within just a couple years full coverage should be achieved. Second, hydrangeas are beautiful, and flower throughout the summer.

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It's essential that plants not be too close to the unit. You'll most likely want to leave at least three feet of space between the unit and your plants. Never put plants on top of your AC unit as well. As a general, it's best to err on the side of caution when it comes to putting things near your air conditioner.

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Keep them in a well lit room indoors but not direct sunlight. Position them away from air conditioning units and heaters and be conscious that they adsorb everything through their leaves so keep clear of cleaning products and sprays that can be toxic to the plants.

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Hydrangea (“quickfire” or “bloomstruck” varieties) Hydrangeas are our preferred choice for hiding air conditioners. There are a few reasons why we like hydrangeas so much. First, they grow quickly, so within just a couple years full coverage should be achieved.

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English ivy, philodendrons, spider plant and the golden pothos were labeled the most effective in removing polutants. Flowering plants such as gerbera daisy and chrysanthemums were rated superior in removing benzene from the air, while Boston fern was highly rated for removing formaldehyde.

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A USDA estimate is that proper use of plants could decrease air temperature in an office by as much as ten degrees. That's it. In the entire article, that's all the information about the amazing cooling powers of indoor plants. That's all that those endless amounts of blog articles on the subject are based on?

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Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

With its high-water content, it transpires and releases cool, evaporated moisture into the air. It also gives off oxygen, keeping you cool during those hot summer nights. This striking succulent is also known for removing toxins from the air, such as benzene and formaldehyde.


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.