Ragnar Lothbrok’s Legacy: The Children Who Carried His Name (2024)

Ragnar Lothbrok is one of the most iconic figures in Viking history, known for his fearless leadership and legendary exploits. But his legacy did not end with his death. His children carried forward his name and continued his legacy, shaping the Viking world in their own unique ways.

In this section, we will delve into the stories of Ragnar Lothbrok’s children, exploring their individual journeys and the impact they had on the Viking saga. From the brave sons who became Viking leaders and conquerors to the lesser-known but influential daughters, these individuals played a pivotal role in shaping the course of history.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ragnar Lothbrok’s children played a significant role in preserving his legacy and shaping the Viking world.
  • Their individual journeys were marked by bravery, leadership, and adventure.
  • Their stories serve as a testament to the enduring impact of one of the most legendary figures in Viking history.

The Sons of Ragnar Lothbrok

Ragnar Lothbrok was survived by his five sons, all of whom went on to become legendary figures in their own right. Bjorn Ironside, Ivar the Boneless, Ubbe, Hvitserk, and Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye all played a pivotal role in shaping the Viking world and carrying forward their father’s legacy. Their individual journeys, conquests, and accomplishments are a testament to the enduring impact of Ragnar Lothbrok and his family.

The Sons of Ragnar Lothbrok were known for their exceptional bravery, leadership, and fighting skills. They all inherited their father’s adventurous spirit and thirst for conquest, which led them to become some of the most successful Viking warriors and commanders. Their names were associated with numerous battles, raids, and conquests, adding to the Viking saga and shaping the course of history.

The Sons of Ragnar Lothbrok

NameNotable Accomplishments
Bjorn IronsideBecame a legendary Viking leader, conquered territories in Scandinavia and beyond, and fought against the invading Franks.
Ivar the BonelessKnown for his tactical brilliance and fearless leadership, defeated the Anglo-Saxon army in the Battle of Edington and conquered York.
UbbeExplored new territories beyond the known Viking world, established Viking settlements in England, and led the Great Heathen Army.
HvitserkParticipated in numerous Viking battles, supported his brothers in their conquests, and later became a ruler of Dublin.
Sigurd Snake-in-the-EyeKnown for his enigmatic personality and mysterious presence in Viking history, fought alongside his brothers and participated in the conquest of England.

Each of these sons left a lasting impact on Viking history, with their conquests, alliances, and rivalries shaping the political and social landscape of the time. Their stories continue to be retold and celebrated, cementing their place in Viking mythology and popular culture.

Bjorn Ironside: Following in His Father’s Footsteps

Bjorn Ironside, born as the son of the legendary Viking explorer and ruler, Ragnar Lothbrok, followed in his father’s footsteps to become a Viking leader, conqueror, and hero. As the eldest son of Ragnar, Bjorn inherited his father’s sense of adventure and warrior spirit, embarking on numerous expeditions and battles throughout his life.

During his youth, Bjorn accompanied his father on his journeys, learning the values of courage, resilience, and strategic thinking. Later, he became a leader in his own right, commanding Viking armies and fleets, raiding coastal settlements, and expanding the Viking territories.

Bjorn’s conquests were numerous and impressive, including the successful raids on England, France, and the Mediterranean. He is particularly remembered for his legendary victory at the Battle of Maldon, where he led his troops to triumph against King Athelstan’s army.

Despite his achievements on the battlefield, Bjorn was also known for his diplomatic skills, negotiating with foreign leaders and forging alliances that helped the Vikings consolidate their power. He was a respected leader among his own people, admired for his bravery, wisdom, and deep sense of loyalty.

In conclusion, Bjorn Ironside played a significant role in carrying forward his father’s legacy, preserving the Viking culture, and expanding its influence throughout the world. As a Viking leader and conqueror, Bjorn embodied the best qualities of his era, leaving a lasting impact on Viking history and beyond.

Ivar the Boneless: The Strategic Mastermind

The name Ivar the Boneless strikes fear into the hearts of many who have heard the stories of this Viking commander. He was known for his tactical brilliance and fearless nature on the battlefield. Born as the son of Ragnar Lothbrok and Aslaug, Ivar quickly became a prominent figure in the Viking world.

Despite his physical disability, Ivar was a gifted tactician, analyzing enemy defenses and orchestrating strategic maneuvers that often led to victory. He was a complex character, feared by his enemies and admired by his men. His leadership and battle prowess earned him a reputation as one of the most formidable Viking commanders of his time.

Ivar was heavily involved in the Great Heathen Army’s invasion of England in 865 AD, leading his army to the capture of the city of York in 866 AD. He later established himself as the ruler of the Kingdom of York, where he continued to expand his rule and influence in the region.

Despite his many successes, Ivar’s life was not without challenges. His rivalry and conflicts with his brothers, particularly Bjorn Ironside and Hvitserk, led to familial tensions and bitter rivalries. Nevertheless, Ivar’s strategic genius and tactical skill made him an essential figure in the Viking army, and his legacy has continued to inspire Viking enthusiasts and historians to this day.

Overall, Ivar the Boneless was a fascinating figure in Viking history. His reputation as a tactician and commander have cemented his place in history, and his story highlights the role of strategic leadership in Viking society.

Ubbe: The Seeker of New Lands

Ubbe, the third son of Ragnar Lothbrok, was known for his adventurous spirit and his hunger for new conquests. Unlike his brothers, Ubbe was more interested in exploring new lands and establishing Viking settlements, rather than waging war and conquering territories.

Ubbe’s journey took him beyond the known Viking territories, to the shores of England and the Mediterranean. He established Viking settlements in Ireland, Scotland, and England, leaving a lasting legacy that extended far beyond his lifetime.

Notable AchievementsDetails
Viking SettlementsUbbe played a key role in establishing Viking settlements in Ireland, Scotland, and England, contributing to the expansion of the Norse presence in these regions.
ExplorationUbbe ventured beyond the known Viking territories, exploring new lands and expanding the Viking sphere of influence.

Ubbe’s legacy as an explorer and a master of settlement building lives on, shaping the history of the Viking world in ways that his father would have been proud of. His adventurous spirit and his dedication to the Viking way of life continue to inspire historians and enthusiasts alike.

Hvitserk: The Versatile Warrior

Hvitserk, the third son of Ragnar Lothbrok, was a versatile warrior who fought in numerous Viking battles and conflicts. He was known for his adaptability and resourcefulness, which made him a valuable asset in battle.

While his brothers Bjorn and Ivar were more prominent players in the Viking saga, Hvitserk’s contributions should not be overlooked. He fought alongside his brothers in their early campaigns, but also forged his own path as a leader and commander.

Hvitserk’s prowess on the battlefield was matched by his ability to navigate complex political situations. He was often called upon to negotiate alliances and treaties, using his charm and wit to sway those around him.

“Hvitserk was a key figure in the Viking world, his versatility made him a valuable asset in battle and in diplomacy,” says Viking historian, Erik Thorvaldsson.

Despite his many successes, Hvitserk’s life was not without tragedy. He lost his wife and children in a battle against the Saxons, which fueled his desire for revenge. He later joined forces with his brother Ivar, seeking to avenge their father’s death at the hands of King Aelle.

Hvitserk continued to lead and fight until the end of his days, leaving behind a legacy as a versatile and resourceful warrior.

Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye: The Mysterious Son

Of all the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok, none are shrouded in mystery quite like Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye. Unlike his brothers, Sigurd’s story is not as well-documented, leaving much to the imagination when it comes to his life and legacy. Nonetheless, his enigmatic presence in Viking history cannot be ignored.

Sigurd was born to Ragnar and Aslaug, and he inherited his father’s piercing blue eyes, which were said to resemble snakes. His name, therefore, refers to the striking feature that set him apart from his siblings. Little is known about his early life, but he likely grew up alongside his brothers, Bjorn, Ivar, Ubbe, and Hvitserk.

While his brothers are all famous for their military exploits, Sigurd’s contributions to Viking history are less clear. Some legends suggest that he fought alongside his brothers in various battles, while others claim that he was more of a diplomat, using his charm and charisma to broker alliances. One story even suggests that he may have been an early Christian missionary, spreading the word of God to Viking lands.

Despite the lack of concrete information about Sigurd, his presence in Viking history cannot be ignored. He was the son of one of the most legendary figures in Viking lore, and his unique name and piercing blue eyes have cemented his place in the imaginations of history buffs and fiction writers alike.

In many ways, Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye embodies the mysterious and unpredictable nature of the Viking world. His story reminds us that there is still much to be discovered about this fascinating period in history, and that even the lesser-known figures can capture our imaginations.

The Daughters of Ragnar Lothbrok

While the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok are often the focus of Viking legends, his daughters were equally influential in their own right. Lagertha, Aslaug, and Gyda all left their mark on the Viking world, and their stories are worth exploring.

DaughterNotable Contributions
LagerthaA legendary shieldmaiden and queen, Lagertha was the first wife of Ragnar Lothbrok. She fought alongside her husband in battle and later ruled over her own kingdom. Her story is immortalized in the sagas and has inspired countless depictions in popular culture.
AslaugA powerful seeress and queen, Aslaug was the second wife of Ragnar Lothbrok. She bore him several sons, including Ivar the Boneless, and was instrumental in shaping the fate of the Viking world. Her prophetic abilities and cunning strategies contributed to the success of her family and earned her a place in Viking legend.
GydaWhile little is known about Gyda, she is said to have died young and served as a tragic figure in the saga of Ragnar Lothbrok. Her death was a catalyst for the actions of her brothers and father, and she is remembered as a symbol of the toll that violence and war took on Viking families.

“Lagertha, Aslaug, and Gyda all left their mark on the Viking world, and their stories are worth exploring.”

Together, the daughters of Ragnar Lothbrok represent the strength, intelligence, and resilience of Viking women. They defied gender norms and societal expectations to claim their own power and shape their own destinies. Their legacies serve as a reminder that Viking history is not just a story of conquest and violence; it is also a story of remarkable individuals who defied the odds and left their mark on the world.


In conclusion, the children of Ragnar Lothbrok played a vital role in preserving their father’s legacy and shaping the Viking world. Their individual stories serve as a testament to the lasting impact of one of the most legendary figures in Viking history.

Through the bravery and determination of Bjorn Ironside, the tactical brilliance of Ivar the Boneless, the adventurous spirit of Ubbe, the versatile nature of Hvitserk, and the enigmatic presence of Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye, the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok cemented their place in Viking history as remarkable leaders and warriors.

Furthermore, the contributions of Lagertha, Aslaug, and Gyda, the daughters of Ragnar Lothbrok, shouldn’t be overlooked. They demonstrated strength and intelligence in a society that often undervalued women, leaving behind their own legacies as influential figures in Viking history.

Inspiring Future Generations

The legacy of Ragnar Lothbrok and his children continues to inspire people today. Their determination to leave a mark on the world, their bravery, and their unwavering commitment to their cause serves as a reminder to us all to strive toward our goals, no matter how daunting they may seem.

As we look back on the stories of Ragnar Lothbrok and his children, we can draw inspiration from their unwavering strength, their ability to overcome adversity, and their lasting impact on the world. They may have lived centuries ago, but their legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of people around the world.


Q: Who were the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok?

A: The sons of Ragnar Lothbrok were Bjorn Ironside, Ivar the Boneless, Ubbe, Hvitserk, and Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye.

Q: What were the individual journeys of Ragnar Lothbrok’s sons?

A: Bjorn Ironside followed in his father’s footsteps as a legendary Viking leader, while Ivar the Boneless became renowned for his tactical brilliance. Ubbe ventured beyond known Viking territories in search of new lands, Hvitserk participated in numerous Viking battles, and Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye remains an enigmatic figure in Viking history.

Q: What are some keywords relevant to Bjorn Ironside’s story?

A: Bjorn Ironside, Viking leader, conqueror.

Q: What are some keywords relevant to Ivar the Boneless’s story?

A: Ivar the Boneless, tactician, Viking commander.

Q: What are some keywords relevant to Ubbe’s story?

A: Ubbe, explorer, Viking settlements.

Q: What are some keywords relevant to Hvitserk’s story?

A: Hvitserk, versatile warrior, Viking battles.

Q: What are some keywords relevant to Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye’s story?

A: Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye, enigmatic figure, Viking history.

Q: Who were the daughters of Ragnar Lothbrok?

A: The daughters of Ragnar Lothbrok were Lagertha, Aslaug, and Gyda.

Q: What roles did the daughters of Ragnar Lothbrok have in Viking society?

A: The daughters of Ragnar Lothbrok played influential roles in Viking society, though their specific contributions varied. Lagertha was a renowned shieldmaiden and queen, Aslaug was a powerful sorceress and queen, and Gyda’s role is less documented.

Q: What is the conclusion regarding Ragnar Lothbrok’s children?

A: The children of Ragnar Lothbrok played a pivotal role in preserving their father’s legacy and shaping the Viking world. Their individual stories serve as a testament to the enduring impact of one of the most legendary figures in Viking history.

Ragnar Lothbrok’s Legacy: The Children Who Carried His Name (2024)


What happened to Ragnar Lothbrok's children? ›

Ivar the Boneless died of an unknown disease in 873. Ubba was killed in action probably around 878 in a battle with the Saxons. Sigurd Snake-in-the-eye's death is unknown. It is only known that he was overthrown by Olaf the Brash around the year 900.

Why are Ragnar's sons also famous in history? ›

Ragnar is said to have been the father of three sons—Halfdan, Inwaer (Ivar the Boneless), and Hubba (Ubbe)—who, according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and other medieval sources, led a Viking invasion of East Anglia in 865.

Which son of Ragnar was most like Ragnar? ›

Ivar was a resilient survivor, just like Ragnar. He knew how to turn bad situations to his advantage, like when he was besieged in York.

Does the bloodline of Ragnar Lothbrok exist? ›

Yes, really. Lothbrok's line became kings of Denmark. It died out on the male side in the 12th century, but a daughter of the last of the Volsung Kings moved to Sweden and married into the nobility; she was probably seen as a bit of a catch since her children would have a sort of legitimate claim to the Danish throne.

Which of Ragnar's sons was most famous? ›

Fame is not an objective measure, so it is difficult to declare, definitively, who is the most famous of the Ragnarssons. The two most likely candidates are Ivar the Boneless or Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye.

Who was Ragnar's 4th son? ›

Ragnar then married Aslaug, also known as Randalin, the daughter of Sigurd and Brynhildr. They had four sons, Ivar the Boneless, Ubba, Hvitserk and Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye (thus called because there was a mark in his eye, as if a snake lay around the pupil).

Who was the smartest of Ragnar's sons? ›

[spoiler] smartness of ragnar's sons

ivar (the youngest) is generally known to be smarter than his brothers.

Which of Ragnar's sons was the best fighter? ›

No matter how brilliant a tactician Ivar the Boneless was, there's little doubt that Bjorn was a better overall fighter - it's even in his name, as he was dubbed 'Ironside' due to his seeming inability to be killed or harmed in battle.

What was Ragnar's famous line? ›

Ragnar Lothbrok Quotes

Power is only given to those who are prepared to lower themselves to pick it up. Don't waste your time looking back.

Why did Ragnar choose Aslaug? ›

For Aslaug: She Could Bear Him Children

Ragnar believed the prophecy that his sons' glory would surpass his own. This is why he wanted to have more children than he already did with Lagertha, and Bjorn was not enough for him no matter how great of a son he was.

Which son of Ragnar married the daughter of a king? ›

Ragnarssona þáttr informs that when his father died, Sigurd inherited Zealand, Scania, Halland, the Danish islands, and Viken. He married Blaeja, the daughter of king Ælla of Northumbria and they had four children: Álof Sigurdsdatter, Thora "Tora" Sigurdsdatter, Aslaug Sigurdsdatter, and Oleg/Helgi Sigurdsdatter.

Who was the love of Ragnar's life? ›

Ragnar Lothbrok and Lagertha shared a deep relationship that defined their entire lives. How the two met is unclear, but it is alleged that Ragnar, whilst on his way to confess his love to her, had to spear a bear and strangle a hound in order to reach her. Lagertha, impressed, agreed to marry him.

Is there any Viking bloodline left? ›

Vikings as a group don't exist anymore. However, they have descendants all over Europe and the Scandinavian countries.

Did Lagertha really exist? ›

According to Judith Jesch, the rich variety of tales in the first nine books of Saxo's Gesta, which include the tale of Lagertha, are "generally considered to be largely fictional".

Is Rollo in Vikings a real person? ›

Surviving historical records suggest that Rollo was real, though his life story has become obscured by legend and myth. As for him being Ragnar's brother, there is nothing to suggest that they were related.

Do any of Ragnar's sons survive in Vikings? ›

As the oldest son of Ragnar and the only surviving child of Ragnar and the famous shield-maiden Lagertha, Bjorn already has the makings of a great warrior. Both of his parents are well-known for their actions during battle, and their leadership outside it.

How many children did Ragnar Lothbrok have? ›

Ragnar Lothbrok had at least seven sons. According to the historical accounts of Ragnar Lothbrok, through his first marriage, he had two sons, Agnar and Eric. Through his second marriage, he may have had five sons. Ivar the Boneless, Sigurd Snake-in-the-eye, Bjorn Ironside, Ubba, and Hvitserk.

How many sons did Ragnar Lothbrok have in real life? ›

By these wives, Ragnar had at least eight sons – Ivar the Boneless, Bjorn Ironside, Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye and Ubbe among their number. These offspring were just as warlike as Ragnar and – courtesy of their own escapades – ensured that their father's name lived on long after he met his death.

Which of Ragnar's sons became king? ›

The next king is Ragnar's son Ivar the Boneless, a real historical character.


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