Vegetable Planting Schedule, Hardiness Zone Look-up, & Germination Temperature Chart (2024)

Learning Center

by Joel Grant

Vegetable Planting Schedule & Hardiness Zone Look-up:

Vegetable Planting Schedule, Hardiness Zone Look-up, & Germination Temperature Chart (1)

If there’s one thing that every gardener learns, — timing is everything. The path to a healthy harvest always starts with basic foresight and planning. TheVegetable & Herb Timing tables below provide the basics for scheduling your conventional and vertical Garden Tower plantings. And don’t forget to check out the Seed Germination versus Temperature chart to make sure your plants stay on schedule!

Gardening with a high-volume container system like the Garden Tower® gives you a head start, literally. In a sunny location, soil in the Garden Tower will heat up faster (and retain a higher temperature) than in conventional gardens. If nighttime frost protection can be provided for (tarps, garden fleeces, bed sheets, large trash bag, etc.), the typical traditional planting schedule can often be moved forward an entire month.

Use the data below to learn both when to start your seeds and when to transplant outdoors.

Hardiness Zone Look-up:

Unsure of your hardiness zone? Look it up precisely by state in a few seconds here: Growing-zones

Vegetable and Herb Planting Schedule: USDA Zones 1-6

Garden Planting Chart (start seeds in a controlled environment before these dates as indicated)
VegetableStart plants this long before planting (for your region)Zone 1Zone 2Zones 3 & 4Zones 5 & 6Days to maturity / harvest
ArtichokesCrownAug – OctAug – Nov
(globe)piecesMay – JunApr – June
Asparagus1 yearMar – AprFeb – MarApr 15 – May 1Apr 5 – 252nd seas.
Beans (lima)notMay – JunMay 15 – Jun 10May 10 – 2565-75
Beans (snap)May – JunMay – JulyMay 15 – Jul 1May 10 – 2050-60
BeetsMar – JunMar – JunApr 15 – Jul 1Apr 1 – 1555-65
Broccoli6 weeksMay – JunMar – AugApr 15 – Jun 1Mar 25 – Apr 5
Apr 5
Sep 25 – 30
Brussels sprouts6 weeksMay – JunMay – JulApr 15 – Jun 1
Cabbage6 weeksJan – AprApr – JunApril 1 – May 1Apr 1 – 2065-80
July – SepSep 20 – 30
Cantaloupes4 weeksnotMayMay 15 – June 1May 10- 2080-90
CarrotsJan – JunMar – Jul 15April 15 – June 15Mar 25 – Apr 10
Sept 20-30
VegetableStart plants this long before planting (for your region)Zone 1Zone 2Zones 3 & 4Zones 5 & 6Days to maturity / harvest
Cauliflower6 weeksJanuary &Apr – Jul 15April 15 – June 15Apr 1 – 2055-60
JuneSept 20 – 30
Celery9 weeksMar – JunMar – JulMay (mid)
ChardFeb – MayApr – JulMay (early)
Chinese4 weeksJul – AugAugustJul (early)
Chives6 weeksApr – MayMar – May
Corn (sweet)Apr – MayApr – JunMay 1 to Jul 2080-100
Cucumbers4 weeksApr – JunMay – JunMay 1 – Jun 15May 10 – 3060-65
Cucumbers4 weeksMayMay – Jun
Eggplants9 weeksnotMayJun (early)May 15 – 2570-90
Endive6 weeksMar – JulApr – Aug 15Apr (mid)
GarlicSep – OctSep – FebOct – Nov 1
KaleMay – JulMay – JulyApr 15 – Jul 15Mar 25 – Apr 550-70
VegetableStart plants this long before planting (for your region)Zone 1Zone 2Zones 3 & 4Zones 5 & 6Days to maturity / harvest
KohlrabiJul – AugApr – Aug 15Apr 15 – Aug 15Apr (early)
Sept (late)
LeeksFeb – AprMar – May
Lettuce (head)5 weeksFeb – JulApr -JulyApr 15 – Aug 15Apr 1 – May 1560-85
Sep 1 – 15
Lettuce (leaf)5 weeksFeb – AugApr – AugApr 15 – May 1Apr 1 – Jun 1545-65
Sep 1 – 15
Okra8 weeksnotnotJun (early)May 10 – 2555-60
Onions10 weeksJan – MayMar – MayApr (mid)Mar 25 – Apr 15100-120
Sep 1 – Dec 31
Parsley10 weeksDec – MayMar – JunApr 15 – May 1
ParsnipsMay – JuneApr – MayMay 1 – 15
PeasJan – AugFeb – MayApr 10 – May 15Mar 25 – Apr 1060-80
Peppers10 weeksMayMay – JuneJun (early)May 15 – May 3065-80
Potatoes6 weeksnotnotJun (early)May 15 – Jun 590-150
VegetableStart plants this long before planting (for your region)Zone 1Zone 2Zones 3 & 4Zones 5 & 6Days to maturity / harvest
Potatoes (white)Feb – MayApr – JunApr 15 – Jun 1Apr 1 – Apr 1570-90
PumpkinsMayMayMay (mid)May 15 – 3085-90
RadishAll yearMar – SepApr 10 – Jun 1Mar 25 – May 1 Aug 1 – 2025-30
Aug 1 – Aug 15
RhubarbCrownDec – JanMar – AprApr 15 – May 1
RutabagasJun – JulJun – JulyMay 15 – Jun 15
SpinachAug – FebApril orApr (mid)April 1 – 2040-45
Sept.Aug 1- Aug 15Aug 10 – Sep 20
Squash4 weeksMayMay – JunMay 10 – Jun 1May 15 – 3050-55
Squash (winter)4 weeksMayMayMay 10 – Jun 1May 15 – 3085-90
Tomatoes8 weeksMay – JunMayMay 15 – Jun 1May 15 – 3070-85
TurnipsJanuary &Apr – SepApr (mid)Mar 25 – May 145-65
AugustAug (early)Aug 5 – Set 20
Watermelons4 weeksnotMayMay 15 – Jun 1May 10 – 1280-90
For many crops, the quantity of starts to plant should be divided into several plantings, 1 or 2 weeks apart.
This schedule was compiled from extension service materials and is incomplete. We will update it when possible. Look up your local USDA extension office for more information. This table cannot be republished without permission.

Vegetable and Herb Planting Schedule: USDA Zones 6-10

Garden Planting Chart (start seeds in a controlled environment before these dates as indicated)
VegetableStart plants this long before planting (for your region)Zones 5 & 6Zones 7 & 8Zones 9Zone 10Days to maturity / harvest
Asparagus1 yearApr 5 – 25Jan 15 – Mar 15
Mar. 15
2nd seas.
Nov & Dec.
Beans (lima)May 10 – 25Apr 1 – June 1
June 1″
Mar – AugFeb – Apr65-75
July 1 – Aug 1Aug – SepSep
Beans (snap)May 10 – 20Apr 1- May1Mar – AprFeb – Apr50-60
July 15 – Aug 10Aug – SepAug – Sep
BeetsApr 1 – 15Feb 15 – Apr 1Sept – MarOct – Mar55-65
Aug 1 – Sept 20
Broccoli6 weeksMar 25 – Apr 5Feb 15 – Mar 15Aug – FebAug – Jan60-80
Sep 25 – 30Aug 1 – Sep 1
Brussels sprouts6 weeksFeb 15 – Mar 15Sep – NovOct – Nov
Aug 1 – Sep 1
Cabbage6 weeksApr 1 – 20Jan 15 – Mar 15Sep – FebSep – Jan65-80
Sep 20 – 30Aug 15 – Oct 1
Cantaloupes4 weeksMay 10- 20Mar 25 – Apr 20Mar – AprFeb – Apr80-90
not recommened
CarrotsMar 25 – Apr 10Jan 15 – Mar 20Sep – MarOct – Mar70-80
or Sept 20-30Aug 20 – Sep 15
VegetableStart plants this long before planting (for your region)Zones 5 & 6Zones 7 & 8Zones 9Zone 10Days to maturity / harvest
Cauliflower6 weeksApr 1 – 20Mar 1 – Apr 1Jan – FebOct – Jan55-60
Sept 20 – 30Aug 1 – Sep 1Aug – Oct
Celery9 weeksJan – MarAug – Feb
Chinese4 weeksOct – FebOct – Jan
Chives6 weeks
Corn (sweet)May 1 to Jul 20May 15 – Jun 1Mar – AprFeb – Mar80-100
June 1 – Jul 20AugAug – Sept
Cucumbers4 weeksMay 10 – 30Apr 1 – May 15Feb – AprFeb – Mar60-65
(slicing)Aug 20 – Sept 1Aug – SepSep
Cucumbers4 weeks
Eggplants9 weeksMay 15 – 25Apr 1 – May 15Feb – JulJan – Mar70-90
July 10 – 15Aug – Sep
Endive6 weeksFeb – MarJan – Feb
KaleMar 25 – Apr 5Feb 1 – Mar 10Sep – FebSep – Jan50-70
Aug 10 – 30
VegetableStart plants this long before planting (for your region)Zones 5 & 6Zones 7 & 8Zones 9Zone 10Days to maturity / harvest
KohlrabiApr (early)Sep – MarOct – Mar
Sept (late)
LeeksSep – MarSep – Feb
Lettuce (head)5 weeksApr 1 – May 15Jan 15 – Mar 1Feb – MarSep – Mar60-85
Sep 1 – 15Sep 1 – Oct 1Sep – Oct
Lettuce (leaf)5 weeksApr 1 – Jun 15Jan 15 – Mar 145-65
Sep 1 – 15Sep 1 – Oct 1
Okra8 weeksMay 10 – 25Apr 1 – June 1
June 1″
Mar – JulMar – Aug55-60
June 15 – July 1
Onions10 weeksMar 25 – Apr 15Jan 1 – Mar 15Sep – DecSep – Dec100-120
Sep 1 – Dec 31Sep 1 – Dec 31
Parsley10 weeksSep – MarOct – Feb
PeasMar 25 – Apr 10Jan 15 – Feb 15Mar – AugMar – Sept60-80
Peppers10 weeksMay 15 – May 30Apr. 1 – June 1Feb – AprJan – Mar65-80
Jul – AugAug – Sep
Potatoes6 weeksMay 15 – Jun 5Apr 15 – Jun 15Mar – JunFeb- Jun90-150
VegetableStart plants this long before planting (for your region)Zones 5 & 6Zones 7 & 8Zones 9Zone 10Days to maturity / harvest
Potatoes (white)Apr 1 – Apr 15Jan 15 – Mar 1Jan – MarJan – Feb70-90
PumpkinsMay 15 – 30Apr 1 – Aug 1Mar – AprFeb – Mar85-90
RadishMar 25 – May 1 Aug 1 – 20Jan 15 – Apr 125-30
Sep 1 – Oct 15
SpinachApril 1 – 20Jan 15 – Mar 15Oct – NovOct – Nov40-45
Aug 10 – Sep 20Sep 1 – Oct 15
Squash4 weeksMay 15 – 30Apr 1 – May 15Mar – AprFeb – Mar50-55
(summer)Aug 1 – 20Aug – SeptAug – Sept
Squash (winter)4 weeksMay 15 – 30Apr 1 – Aug 1MarchFeb – Mar85-90
Tomatoes8 weeksMay 15 – 30Mar 25 – May 1Feb – AprJan – Mar70-85
June 1 – Aug 10AugSept
TurnipsMar 25 – May 1Jan 15 – Apr 1Jan – AprJan – Mar45-65
Aug 5 – Set 20Aug 10 – Sep 15Aug – OctSept – Nov
Watermelons4 weeksMay 10 – 12Mar 20 – May 1Mar – AprJan – Mar80-90
July – AugAug
For many crops, the quantity of starts to plant should be divided into several plantings, 1 or 2 weeks apart.
This schedule was compiled from extension service materials and is incomplete. We will update it when possible. Look up your local USDA extension office for more information. This table cannot be republished without permission.

Seed Germination versus Temperature: (use the table below to ensure your seeds stay on schedule!)

Vegetable Planting Schedule, Hardiness Zone Look-up, & Germination Temperature Chart (3)

Suggested Additional Resources:

  • See our seed collections and seed starting productshere.
  • Don’t forget to check out the Companion Planting Guide!
Vegetable Planting Schedule, Hardiness Zone Look-up, & Germination Temperature Chart (2024)


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